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Lasagna bolognese

One of the classic lasagna recipes. It's quite easy to make, especially if you use ready-made lasagna sheets. The proportions given are enough for 4 servings, but I always make double the amount - our lasagne goes off instantly. It's a great dish for Sunday family dinners or small friends' meals. The recipe is from the Italian cookbook "The Silver Spoon".

#For lunch #For dinner #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Béchamel sauce (basic recipe)

«Béchamel» (béchamel) – a basic sauce based on butter, flour and milk. Béchamel is used as a sauce in many European dishes, as well as a base for various other sauces. Béchamel has a lot of variations - mushroom, with cream, with yogurt, mustard béchamel, etc. Béchamel is used for gratin, souffles, stuffing, lasagnes.