Benefits and harms of dried fruits and nuts
Are dried fruits and nuts healthy? Most people will answer this question in the affirmative. Although there will be some who will list the harm from the use of dried fruits. On this account there are several points of view and there is no agreement even harm scientists and nutritionists. But you can try to understand the pros and cons of eating dried fruits and nuts, weighing their usefulness and harmfulness.
Myths about dried fruit
There are several misconceptions about dried fruits.
The misconception is that dried fruit contains less sugar and is less caloric. During drying, fruits lose moisture, while they lose in weight and properties (some unstable vitamins, for example, vitamin C, decay), but sugar and calories from fruits do not disappear. Thus, if an apricot weighs 45 grams (about 12 kilocalories), then after its drying and «transformation» into apricots weighing 10 grams, the energy value rises to 15 kilocalories.
You are mistaken if you think that fresh fruits are more useful than dried or frozen ones. Of the three listed above, fruits that have been blast frozen are the most valuable, with the exception of those freshly plucked from the tree. Ask yourself the question: «How much time has passed since the conventionally fresh fruit was plucked from the twig and got into your hands?». Frozen or dried fruit, on the other hand, is heat-treated a few hours after picking.
The benefits of dried fruit
Dried fruits contain more bioactive substances compared to fresh fruits. In fact, it is a concentrate containing calcium, magnesium, iron and other valuable substances.
Papaya (candied fruit) has a tonic effect, activates protein metabolism, in addition, it is an excellent «ingredient» to increase sexual activity.
Dried finik – a wonderful energy tonic. Increases efficiency, contains substances similar in action to aspirin, so in many peoples, dates are taken for colds and headaches. In addition, dried dates have a lot of vitamins, this and vitamin B5, and vitamin E and H.
Dried pears normalizes the intestinal function. Another useful property inherent in the pear - it helps to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
Pears or apricots, or simply dried apricots - a treasure trove of useful substances. It is scientifically proven that dried apricots have a favorable effect on the heart muscle, due to the content of potassium. In addition, apricots are an excellent prevention of cancer diseases. In the composition of this «miracle dried fruit» - phosphorus, iron, calcium, carotene, vitamin B5.
Finger fig – preventive agent against cancer. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland. Dried figs contribute to the elimination of parasites from the intestines. It is used as a folk remedy in the treatment of bronchitis.
Black plums – another gift of nature for your health. Perhaps the first thing that has a beneficial effect dried plum – is the gastrointestinal tract. Infusion of prunes helps to get rid of constipation and normalize the digestive system. In addition, prunes are useful and those who have problems with the heart and high blood pressure. In addition, it is believed that prunes are useful in kidney disease, rheumatism, liver disease and atherosclerosis. And thanks to the high concentration of vitamin A, it also improves eyesight.
Nuts. Benefits of nuts
I think it's a good time to move on to nuts. All nuts have a fairly high calorie content, but if we are not talking about «diet» as such, but about the benefits for the body, then nuts – this benefit in its purest form. So…
Benefits of walnuts
Walnuts are not just a great treat, but an absolute help to your health. Walnuts help with anemia, diseases, heart disease, dermatitis, colds. In addition, walnuts have a calming effect and are indicated for insomnia and nervous disorders. Walnuts are necessary for pregnant women, nursing moms, as well as during the recovery period after surgery. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system of the body.
Benefits of almonds
.Sweet almonds are useful in hypertension, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcer, asthma, pleurisy, heartburn. In addition, sweet almonds are recommended to all persons who have reached the age of thirty, as a preventive agent against atherosclerosis with high cholesterol. Bitter almonds are indicated for use as a prophylactic agent in the treatment of kidney disease, upper respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system in women.
The benefits of hazelnuts
.Hazelnuts – pure protein. It is used as prevention of obesity, indicated in diabetes, chronic fatigue, phlebitis and varicose veins, enlarged prostate gland, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are used in the treatment of chronic anemia.
The benefits of peanuts
Many people think peanuts are useless, but this is not true. Peanut is beneficial to tissue function, promotes cell growth and renewal. It is used as a choleretic. Peanut helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it increases potency and has an excellent effect on libido. It also improves memory, ability to concentrate, and is indicated for insomnia and rapid fatigue.
The benefits of cashews
.Cashews are excellent for strengthening the immune system, in addition, cashews normalize metabolic processes in the body, is indicated for anemia, psoriasis and heart diseases.
Pistachio benefits
This small greenish nut can help in times of great physical and mental stress, as it activates the brain and at the same time has a tonic and tonic effect on the whole body. Pistachios are useful for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis.
Conclusion: dried fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances. 5-6 pieces of dried fruit eaten daily, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, in addition, dried fruit – an excellent immunomodulator. Such a treat is useful for both children and adults.