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Cabbage rolls

I want to share a delicious recipe for cabbage rolls. This is such a great alternative to plain bread. The buns turn out very flavorful, with a crispy crust. In addition, you get a lean version of buns. And they are prepared very simply, without any fuss. Yes, and you can diversify the filling. I'm already thinking of trying them with capers :) It would be delicious with sun-dried tomatoes too.

We will need:

  • finely chopped cabbage - 200g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • warm water - 160 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • manka for sprinkling
  • .

Cooking cabbage rolls:

Cabbage is finely chopped with a knife. In a heated skillet with olive oil, put garlic and cabbage. Sauté over low heat with the lid on for 10 minutes - until the cabbage is soft. Do not forget to stir. Cool the cabbage.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water and let stand for about 5 minutes. I add a teaspoon of flour for the best effect. Mix the flour with the salt and add the yeast paste. Knead the dough well, for 10-15 minutes. Then add the cooled cabbage and knead again. Leave the dough in a bowl covered with a damp towel for two hours. The dough will double in volume.

Grease a baking tray with baking paper with oil and sprinkle with flour. I sprinkled with semolina. Sprinkle the work surface with semolina and knead the dough well. Roll it out into a sausage, 5 cm in diameter, cut into 3 cm pieces. I got 7 buns. Shape the buns and place on a baking tray. Leave to proof for 30 minutes.

And now send the buns into a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 20-25 minutes. You can eat the buns warm or cold - they are very tasty. They can be topped with butter!

Happy eating!

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Cabbage rolls

I want to share a delicious recipe for cabbage rolls. This is such a great alternative to plain bread. The buns turn out very flavorful, with a crispy crust. In addition, you get a lean version of buns. And they are prepared very simply, without any fuss. Yes, and you can diversify the filling. I'm already thinking of trying them with capers :) It would be delicious with sun-dried tomatoes too.

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