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Vatrushki with cottage cheese

I adore vatrushki, as well as all cottage cheese pastries! It's both delicious and healthy. Making vatrushki is simple: dough with "drowned" plus cottage cheese filling and voila - delicious pastry is ready.

cottage cheese puffs



  • pressed yeast - 25g
  • .
  • milk - 200 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • egg - 1 piece
  • cream butter - 200 gr.
  • flour - 400 gr.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • natural vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.


  • cottage cheese - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • sour cream - 80 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • lemon zest or vanilla
  • a handful of raisins as desired

for buttering:

  • slightly beaten egg and milk

Cooking cottage cheese puffs:

First, prepare yeast dough "drowning".
To do this, heat the milk to body temperature (but by no means overheat - in hot milk the yeast will die). Dilute the yeast in the warm milk and leave it for 5 minutes so that it starts to work.

yeast and milk

working yeast

Meanwhile, cut the butter into chunks, add 50g of flour and chop with a knife to fine crumbs.

butter and flour

butter and flour crumble

To the foaming yeast, add the egg, salt, sugar, vanilla sugar and remaining flour and mix.

yeast dough

Then add the butter and flour mixture and chop everything with a knife.

flour crumb dough

Combine the dough into a uniform lump.

yeast dough with butter

Pour cold water into a deep bowl and gently lower the dough into it. The dough will sink to the bottom under its own weight.

dough drowning

Leave the dough in the water until it floats to the surface. This will take about 30-40 minutes.

Allow the dough to rise to the surface.

yeast drowning dough

Take the dough that has increased in size and floated up out of the water, and transfer it to a work surface lightly sprinkled with flour. Brush a little with a paper towel and knead well.

Add a little (!) more flour if necessary, but the dough should still be slightly sticky.

drown yeast dough

Divide the dough into 14 pieces and roll them into balls.

cottage cheese blanks

Place the balls behind a parchment-lined baking tray and lightly press each ball with your hand.
Mix together all the ingredients for the filling. If the cottage cheese is dry, with lots of lumps, rub it through a sieve.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Make a hollow in each dough piece with a glass and brush the piece with egg lightly beaten with milk.

dough billet for cotton candy

Pour 1-1.5 tbsp of cottage cheese filling into each depression.

cottage cheese puffs

Grease again with egg and milk and immediately place in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.
Keep an eye on the oven to make sure the cottage cheese puffs don't burn or dry out.

However, make sure that the puffs don't burn or dry out.

cottage cheese puffs

Take out the finished vatrushki and cool slightly.
Serve warm, ideally with a glass of cold milk.


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