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Granola I tried a couple of months ago at the market «All.Svoy» and my first thought was: «where was I before? ». It's a perfect breakfast, snack or snack: hearty, as there is oatmeal in the composition, tasty, as there are nuts, dried fruits, well, and very healthy. I admit, I was a little confused by the honey in the composition, as I am not a fan of heating it, but I added a minimal amount of it. Honey can be successfully replaced with maple syrup, but I didn't have the latter.

You can change the composition of the granola to suit you, I've added goodies I love and goodies I want to use but don't eat in pure form, such as flax and pumpkin seeds. I use it very simply: pour it in yogurt or ryazhenka – and breakfast is ready! But you can also add it to cottage cheese, or sprinkle it on top of a pie, or even make a salad (more on that in the next recipes).

Pumpkin seeds can be used in a variety of ways.



  • Oatmeal cereal (not instant cereal!) – 2 cups
  • walnuts - .5 tbsp
  • pumpkin seeds – 0,5 tbsp
  • raisins – 0.5 tbsp
  • dried cranberries or cherries – a handful
  • cunnuts – a handful
  • flax seeds – a handful
  • salt – optional
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp
  • liquid honey or maple syrup – 2-3 tbsp.
  • water or fruit juice – 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking homemade granola:

The key to success in making homemade granola – the right oatmeal. I spent a long time choosing the right oatmeal in the store and settled on a German product. The oatmeal must be coarse and must be cooked (instant oatmeal is not suitable at all).

Mix water and honey and heat until the honey dissolves.

Separately mix the oatmeal, chopped walnuts, flax and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon and salt. Pour the honey water into this mixture and stir until combined.

Pour the honey water into the oatmeal mixture and stir until combined.

Some people roast the walnuts beforehand, but I find that in the oven they brown enough and become delicious and flavorful.

Spread the mixture onto a baking tray and place in a preheated 130C oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, add the washed and dried raisins and cranberries, stir and leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

The granola will be slightly moist immediately after cooking, but will become crunchy as it cools.

Transfer the granola into a paper bag or plastic box that seals tightly and store in a dry place for about 2-3 weeks.

Add the granola to a paper bag or plastic box and store in a dry place.

Happy eating!

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You can change the composition of granola to suit you, I've added the goodies I love and the goodies I want to use but don't eat pure, like flax and pumpkin seeds. I use it very simply: pour it in yogurt or ryazhenka – and breakfast is ready! But you can also add it to cottage cheese, or sprinkle it on top of a pie, or even make a salad.

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An awesome appetizer.