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Cotton Japanese cheesecake.

I had long heard about Japanese cheesecake as something especially delicious and airy, and after buying Nina Tarasova's book, I was finally able to make it according to the recipe by pastry chef William Tan. I know that cheesecake is better to eat after proofing, to let it «ripen» at least 6 hours, but I broke the rule and cut it almost hot. It was delicious, but the «wow!» effect did not come out. But it sounded completely different the next day: tender, weightless, melting in my mouth. It was delicious! Well, like any experimenter, I was interested in making a new recipe, especially since I had never seen such a cooking technique before. Like all cheesecakes, this one is quite simple to make, but be patient not to eat it at once, but to give it a chance to unfold, I think you will like it! )))

Japanese cotton cheesecake


  • Philadelphia cheese (or other cream cheese without additives) – 400 gr.
  • Cheddar cheese – 100 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 ml
  • water – 75 ml
  • cream butter 40 gr.
  • flour – 75 gr.
  • cornstarch – 25 gr.
  • milk powder – 50 gr.
  • milk – 140 gr.
  • salt – a pinch
  • yolks – 40 gr.
  • whites – 200 gr.
  • fine sugar – 140 gr.

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180C.

Prepare an unmolded mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm. If you have a mold, wrap the bottom of the mold tightly in several layers of foil to prevent it from leaking water. Line the bottom and sides of the mold with baking parchment.

In a small saucepan, combine the cream cheese, Cheddar, cream and water and bring almost to a boil. Remove from heat, add the butter and stir until dissolved.

Add the cream cheese, Cheddar, cream and water and bring almost to a boil.

Sift the flour, cornstarch, milk powder and salt into a bowl. Add the fresh milk and stir with a whisk to make sure there are no lumps. Then add the hot cream-cheese mixture and the egg yolk, mixing well (no need to whisk).

Whisk the egg whites and sugar to stiff peaks and mix into the main mixture.

Pour the batter into the prepared mold, place the mold in a deep baking tray filled with 2 cm of hot water.

Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven for 60-70 minutes.

Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven.

Let the finished dessert cool completely in the oven, turned off and slightly ajar, and only then remove it, otherwise it may settle considerably.

Allow the dessert to cool completely in the oven, turned off and slightly ajar, before removing it.

I recommend letting the cheesecake «stand » 4-5 hours in the refrigerator, and then tasting it.

I recommend letting the cheesecake «stand» 4-5 hours in the refrigerator, and then tasting it.

Happy eating!

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Cotton Japanese cheesecake.

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