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Plombir ice cream

I'm back with ice cream again :) This ice cream has the most intense creamy flavor. The flavor that I personally remember from my childhood. The ice cream is sweet, thick, and.... just real ice cream! Not the chemicals we buy at the store.

To make the ice cream, we will need:

  • 33% cream - 300 grams;
  • 150 grams of sugar (you can have 120 grams if you don't like very sweet ice cream);
  • 3 yolks;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk (250 gram glass);
  • vanillin, or essence to taste (rum, lemon, almond)
  • .

And now the actual preparation.

Boil milk in a saucepan, cool, introduce 3 yolks and sugar. This is all carefully mixed and put on a water bath, on low heat, stirring continuously. Bring the mass to a slight thickening and golden color. To the state of condensed milk. It took me about 20 minutes of continuous stirring. We turn it off and let it cool. When it cools down, I strain it through a sieve (so that there are no lumps).

Now the cream - whip it to strong and thick peaks. Carefully combine the two masses and put in the freezer for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, take out the ice cream and gently stir with a whisk. We do this so that no ice flakes form. Since a little liquid settles at the bottom. Put it back in the freezer. After an hour and again take out and stir. I initially put the ice cream in a cupcake mold (very convenient), as a result, you get ice cream "family type" -much :) Well, and when you will serve, then you put the ice cream in a convenient, favorite dishes: a glass, a plate...

This is what I froze my ice cream in

I did everything in the recipe double (to make more).

You can serve the ice cream like I did - drizzled with maple syrup or your favorite other syrup. You can sprinkle with nuts, raisins, chocolate...


Have a good appetite!

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