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Oatmeal cookies like you get at the store

Every person has their favorite sweets. For example, I love marshmallows, marmalade, oatmeal cookies and crackers. And if marshmallows and marmalade I've been making myself for a long time, I've never gotten around to oatmeal cookies. And I love the taste of store-bought oatmeal cookies. And the other day I decided to buy a pack of oatmeal cookies, but before that I studied the composition and put it back on the shelf. Vegetable margarines (yes, those that are rich in trans-isomers) and so on. So I decided to bake my own.

Oatmeal cookies were baked in the USSR, so it's logical to look for the recipe either in the recipe books of those times, or from Irina Chadeeva, who actively cooks and publishes GOST recipes.

It turned out that there are two kinds of oatmeal cookies - "Ovsyanoe" and "Ovsyanochka". In «Ovsyanoe» according to GOST it is put raisins, and «Ovsyanochka» is prepared without raisins and with less sugar, although the technology of preparation is the same. As a result, "Ovsyanoe" - very sweet, with a crispy crust, and "Ovsyanochka" - softer and not too cloying. Otherwise, the cookies are similar.

In addition, initially "Ovsyanichka" did not include molasses (glucose syrup), it was added later, as in gingerbread, to prevent rapid staling. But when making cookies at home, molasses may not be added if you are not going to store the cookies for a long time. Yes, I used ready-made oat flour, but I know that often girls just grind oat flakes like «Hercules» in a blender or coffee grinder and make cookies with them.

The amount of water in the dough varies depending on the dryness of the flour - the dough should not crumble, but should be soft and not sticky, roll out well. Yes, Chadeika's recipe says that the cookies should be baked at 210C, but at this temperature the cookies fried very quickly, so I baked the second tray at 180C. I advise you to watch your oven and find the optimal temperature for it.

I decided to combine the two cookies – I added raisins as in «Oatmeal» but reduced the amount of sugar as in «Oatmeal». The cookies turned out exactly the same as the store-bought ones!

oatmeal cookies like store-bought

Composition (20-25 pieces):

  • wheat flour – 175g
  • .
  • oat flour – 75 gr.
  • cream butter – 85 g.
  • sugar – 125 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 gr.)
  • raisins – 25 gr.
  • cinnamon – 0,5 tsp. without a slide
  • soda – 1/3 tsp. without a slide
  • salt – 1/3 tsp. without a slide
  • water - 50-75 grams
  • .
  • molasses (optional) – 18 g
  • .

Cooking oatmeal cookies:

Wash the raisins and chop them with a blender or put them through a meat grinder.

Knead the dough in a blender, but if you don't have one, you can make do with your hands and a bowl.

Knead the dough in a blender, but if you don't have one, you can make do with your hands and a bowl.

Place the soft butter, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, and raisins in the bowl of a food processor and mix well until almost smooth.

shredded raisins

Add the oat flour, warm water with dissolved salt and stir.

making oatmeal cookie dough

Pour in the wheat flour and baking soda, knead the dough, it should stick together into a lump. If it's a little dry, you can add more water.

oat flour dough

Mold the dough into a clump and place on a floured table.

oatmeal cookie dough

Roll the dough into a 5mm thick layer and cut out cookies in 5.5-6cm rounds.

cookie cutout

Transfer the cookies to a baking tray lined with paper or a mat.

oatmeal cookies

Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 180-210C for 12-15 minutes, until browned.

If you like soft cookies, you can shorten the baking time a bit. Hot cookies are soft, but as they cool, they become drier and crispier.

Hot cookies are soft, but as they cool, they become drier and crispier.

With a glass of milk or kefir – perfect!"

oatmeal cookies like store-bought

Have a good appetite!

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