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Sauerkraut (brine method)

Sauerkraut is a very tasty preparation for winter, one of the components of salads and first courses, and also a very useful product containing vitamins. Each hostess has her own recipe for sauerkraut. In addition, this process is always surrounded by a lot of omens and superstitions: someone believes that it is necessary to sour cabbage only on men's days (Monday, Thursday), someone sours only on the new moon, and someone - on days whose name contains the letter "r". I collected all the advice of moms, grandmothers and acquaintances and ended up with a recipe that always makes cabbage delicious and crispy. Thanks to the brine, cabbage sours faster than the usual "dry" way.


Composition (per 1 liter of brine):

  • white cabbage - about 5 kg
  • carrots - 4 pcs
  • salt - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

Cooking sauerkraut:

For fermentation it is necessary to take cabbage of late varieties with hard heads.
Shred the cabbage thinly, grate the carrots.

cabbage and carrots

Mix the cabbage and carrots together, crush well with your hands to make it a little softer, and place in jars, tamping tightly. I fill the jars and tamp the cabbage into them with a large wooden spoon, so that the cabbage lies as tightly as possible and there are no voids in the jar.

And then use a large wooden spoon to press the cabbage into the jar.

Next, prepare the brine. Dissolve sugar and salt in 1 liter of water at room temperature and fill the jars with the brine "up to the shoulders".
Cover the jars with lids, but do not close them, and put them in a container, because during fermentation the juice will be released from the jars. Leave the jars with cabbage in the room at room temperature. Twice a day (morning and evening) poke the cabbage in the jar through with a knife or a spoon with a long handle to get out the gas formed (then the cabbage will not be bitter).
. Cabbage is fermented usually for three days. On the fourth day try it, if the cabbage is still not fermented enough, then leave it to ferment for 1-2 days. If the cabbage is ready, send it for storage in the refrigerator or a cold dark room.
Ready sauerkraut can be used for salads (vinaigrette), first courses, baking, etc.

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