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Orange peel candy

A simple recipe for making candied orange. These candied oranges do not contain any flavorings or colorings, but they turn out very fragrant, bright and tasty. Ready candied orange candied fruit can be used simply with tea, as well as added to desserts and baked goods.

candied orange peels


  • peels of two oranges
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.


Wash and peel the oranges thoroughly, pour cold water over the peels and change them several times a day for three days to remove the bitterness. Then put the peels into boiling water and boil for 20 minutes in order to get rid of possible harmful components that may have been used to treat the oranges.After that, cool the peels, cut them into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm, measure their number with a glass and pour the same amount of sugar (for two oranges - about 1.5 tbsp. of sugar).

orange peels with sugar

Pour the peels and sugar in the same amount of water - about 1.5 cups - and cook over low heat until the peels are translucent and slightly amber.

Add the peels and sugar to the water.

candied fruit in syrup

Strain the finished candied fruit into a colander


orange candied fruit

Drain the candied oranges and pour over the sugar. Store the finished candied oranges in a glass container in a dry, dark place.
The syrup in which candied fruits were boiled can be used for soaking biscuits, pies or just pour over pancakes or pancakes.
Bon appetit!

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