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Sesame ice cream

It's almost summer outside, even though May is the month of May :) And the favorite treat and dessert at this time of year is what? Well, ice cream of course! My favorite homemade ice cream used to be creamy plombier. This season, I'm looking for variety. The recipe is very easy, the preparation is even easier. It's also a great "base" for your imagination. You add your favorite treats as additives : different nuts, berries, raisins, chocolate ... and each time you get a new flavor. I made orange ice cream (I chopped the orange in a blender) and I also made pistachio ice cream (I chopped the pistachios in a coffee grinder). I recommend it!"

In this post, I will describe making sesame ice cream. I would never have even guessed that ice cream could be sesame. It's a very unexpected solution and a flavor full of new sensations. I loved it, try it!

Photo of pistachio and orange ice cream

To make the ice cream we will need :

  • 85g of sesame seeds;
  • 4 yolks from large eggs;
  • 120g sugar;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 250 ml of 33% cream

Preparing sesame ice cream:

Start making the ice cream. Roast the sesame in a dry pan, stirring constantly, until the characteristic odor appears (the main thing is not to overcook, or it will be bitter). Set the sesame aside to cool, and then grind it into a paste. I ground it with a coffee grinder.

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. Pour the milk and half of the cream into a saucepan (not enameled). Put over a medium heat and bring to the boil. After boiling on low heat keep our mass for another 1 minute (do not forget to stir). Then pour a little milk into the yolks (a couple tablespoons), and whisk thoroughly. Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan with the milk and cream mixture. Cook over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens slightly (3-4 minutes is enough).

Add the sesame paste to the hot mixture and stir thoroughly. Put the pan in a bowl of ice water and stir. This is to cool the mixture faster.

Add the sesame paste to the hot mixture and stir thoroughly.

Whip the remaining cream to soft peaks and mix with the cooled milk-cream-egg mixture. Pour the mixture into a mold and place in the freezer until set. But there is one nuance -  in order to get ice cream without ice flakes, you need to stir it with a whisk every hour. The first three hours is desirable. I made the ice cream in the evening, and in the morning we already enjoyed this deliciousness to the full!

Have a good appetite!

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