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Tiramisu without raw eggs

Tiramisu is an exquisite and luxurious Italian dessert. However, many people are afraid to make and eat it because of the presence of raw eggs. But this problem can be solved by taking a little safety precaution and giving the eggs a heat treatment. And the rest is simple and quick.

tiramisu without raw eggs


Dessert base:

  • yolks - 50g
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • water - 30 gr.
  • vanilla - 1 pod

dessert tiramisu (4 servings):

  • whipping cream - 200 gr.
  • mascarpone - 200g
  • .
  • dessert base
  • "Savoiardi" cookies - 20-24 pieces
  • .
  • strong coffee - 100 ml
  • liqueur - 2 tbsp. (optional)
  • cocoa for decoration

Preparation of dessert "Tiramisu":

First of all, prepare the base of the dessert.
Wash the eggs thoroughly in soapy water and separate the whites from the yolks.
Cut the vanilla pod in half, remove the seeds with the tip of a knife and add to the yolks.

vanilla seed yolks

Place a small saucepan with the water and sugar on the heat and cook until the mixture reaches 121 degrees.
Meanwhile, on high speed of a mixer, beat the yolks with the vanilla seeds until white.

whipped yolks with vanilla

Once the syrup has reached 121 degrees, pour it in a thin stream into the yolks, continuing to whip until the cream has cooled completely (4-5 minutes).

Add a thin stream of syrup to the yolks, continuing to whip until the cream has cooled (4-5 minutes).

tiramisu base

Cool the ready base for tiramisu.
Then proceed to the preparation of the dessert itself.
Using a mixer, whip the cream to stiff peaks.

whipped cream

Whisk in the mascarpone gently and briefly as well.

whipped mascarpone

In batches, stir the mascarpone into the cooled tiramisu base and, stirring gently with a spatula, add the cream.

tiramisu cream

Boil strong coffee and, if desired, add liqueur to it.

savoiardi cookies

Dip the savoiardi cookies in the coffee syrup and place on the bottom of the dessert molds. Important - dip the savoiardi very quickly, as the cookies absorb the liquid very quickly and soak.
Spread the mascarpone cream on top of the cookies.

tiramisu layers

Then again a layer of syrup-soaked savoiardi and a layer of cream.

tiramisu dessert

Sprinkle cocoa over the top through a strainer.
Put the dessert in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.



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