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Vanilla panna cotta with strawberries and basil

Cream and strawberries are timeless classics, and basil and strawberries are already becoming recognized classics as well. I combined these three ingredients into one dish and the boring creamy panna cotta took on a new flavor. It's very easy and quick to make, and it's perfect for both home treats and guests.

panna cotta with berries


berry coulis:

  • strawberry puree - 125 gr.
  • sugar - 20 gr.
  • basil - leaves from three sprigs
  • pectin NH - 2 grams
  • .

panna cotta

  • cream - 250 ml
  • sugar - 20 grams
  • .
  • vanilla
  • leaf gelatin - 4 gr.

Cooking panna cotta with strawberries and basil:

First prepare the strawberry coulis. To do this, heat the strawberry puree to 60 degrees, pour in the sugar mixed with pectin and basil leaves, finely chopped, stirring thoroughly with a whisk, and boil everything for 1 minute.

strawberry puree
pectin with sugar
strawberries with basil

You can use gelatin (about 2 grams) instead of pectin, but then soak it in cold water beforehand and then dissolve it in mashed strawberries heated to 80 degrees Celsius (do not boil!).

Pour the warm mixture into the molds, filling them one third full.

strawberry coulis in molds

I used muffin molds and served the panna cotta on a plate afterwards, but you can just pour it into cups and serve it in glasses.

Then prepare the panna cotta itself.

Soak the gelatine in cold water.

gelatin in water

Then heat the cream with the sugar and vanilla pod (I used extract) until the sugar dissolves (do not boil), remove from the heat, remove the vanilla pod and dissolve the squeezed gelatin in the cream.

gelatin in cream

Pour the cream mixture gently over the strawberry coulis.

panna cotta in molds

Put the panna cotta molds in the freezer, then they will freeze better and can be removed from the molds without problems. If you are making the dessert in glasses, just put them in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours to harden.

When serving, garnish the panna cotta with berries (unfortunately I didn't have fresh strawberries, so I used currants).

panna cotta with strawberries

Good appetite!

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