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Simple bean salad

I first tried this salad at my grandmother's house in Lviv region. Basically, it's nothing special, but the dressing adds quite a nice flavor to the beans. It is an indispensable dish for fasting, because beans are rich in proteins and can successfully replace meat.


  • large white beans - 250 g
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  • onion - 1 small piece
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  • salt, pepper
  • wine vinegar
  • olive oil or grape seed oil

Cooking the bean salad:

I recommend using large white beans for this salad, but if you can't find such beans, you can do with small beans, although I think that the flavor will suffer to some extent.
Before cooking beans should be soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours.
Then the beans should be poured with fresh cold water, so that it covers the beans by 3 fingers and put on the fire, salt, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until ready (softening, but not boiling) on low heat, if necessary, adding water. Depending on the size of the beans it may take 1-2 hours to cook.
Then discard the beans in a colander and transfer them to a plate. Add finely chopped onions and dress with wine vinegar, olive oil or grape seed oil (it is very good for the skin). Salt and pepper the salad, mix well and serve.
Bon appetit!

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