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Espresso cake

This dessert can be prepared as a cake, or it can be cut into small pieces - brownies - when serving. It tastes a bit like "tiramisu" dessert - bright coffee flavor and mascarpone cream. In general, the cake-cake is not difficult to prepare - lush sponge cake, liqueur impregnation and cream. And for a long time I wanted to tell you about a girl Nina, whose passion for cooking has turned into a profession. Nina attended professional pastry courses in France and now teaches master classes in Russia. You will find a lot of interesting recipes from her, I highly recommend you to take a look. And I took this recipe from Nina, for which I thank her very much.

brownie (cake) expresso


Vienna sponge:

  • 5 eggs
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • flour - 100 gr.
  • starch (cornstarch is better) - 70 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 50 gr.
  • leavening agent - 1 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch


  • Liqueur «Sheridan» ("Baileys") - 100 ml
  • espresso coffee strong - 150 ml


  • mascarpone - 250 gr.
  • seeds of 1 vanilla pod
  • liqueur «Sheridan» ("Baileys") - 4 tbsp.
  • powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  • cream 33-35% - 250 ml
  • cream fixer - 10 g (optional)


  • bitter chocolate (over 70% cocoa) - 200g
  • .

Preparation of cake (cake "Espresso"):


For the biscuit, combine the flour, starch, leavening agent, cocoa, salt and sift together.
Separate the eggs.
Whisk the whites with half of the sugar to stiff peaks (but do not over-whisk the whites, otherwise the biscuit will be rubbery - in properly whipped whites, when lifting the whisk, the spout will be slightly downward, forming a sort of "beak").


whipped whites

Separately whisk the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is lightened and increased in volume several times.

yolk mass

Carefully mix the whipped whites and yolk mixture together, being as careful as possible with a spatula to keep the mixture from sinking.

egg mass

Sift the dry ingredients on top of the egg mixture and mix gently until smooth, being careful not to overmix so that the mixture does not lose its airiness.

egg mixture with flour and cocoa

biscuit dough

Cover a standard square baking tray with baking paper.
Spread the batter in an even layer over the baking tray.

batter on tray

Place the baking tray in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Check the readiness with a wooden skewer - it should come out of the middle of the biscuit dry.

finished biscuit

Let the finished biscuit cool slightly - about 2 minutes - and then invert onto the prepared surface and remove the paper on which it was baked.

Allow the biscuit to cool slightly - about 2 minutes - and then invert onto the prepared surface and remove the paper on which it was baked.

Grate the chocolate over a coarse grater.

chocolate shavings


For the cream, whip the cream (if the cream doesn't whip well, add cream stiffener according to package directions).
Separately mix the mascarpone with the vanilla seeds, powdered sugar, and liqueur until smooth.

mascarpone with vanilla and liqueur

whipped mascarpone

Then add the whipped cream and mix gently with a whisk for consistency.


Brew strong coffee and cool it down. Mix the cold coffee with the liquor. You can use any coffee and cream liqueur - "Sheridan", "Baileys" etc.

Any liqueur can be used.



Cut the biscuit into three equal pieces.

cake sponge

Place one part of the sponge cake on a platter and soak it well with the coffee and liqueur soak. Spread a third of the cream on top. Then sprinkle a third of the chocolate shavings on top of the cream. I find it convenient to grate the chocolate on a piece of paper and then pour it on the surface of the cake, where the chocolate is evenly distributed and does not stick to your hands.

cake assembly

Place the second part of the sponge cake on top of the chocolate, soak in the soaking water and spread half of the remaining cream and half of the remaining chocolate shavings.
Place the last biscuit on top of the chocolate and repeat the whole procedure, finishing with chocolate shavings.


Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight.
The "Espresso" can be served as a cake or cut across into 3-4 strips and then cut each strip in half, thus making 6-8 cakes.

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