Carrot cake by Hans Ovando.
I love learning as much as I love sharing my knowledge afterward. That's why I attend a lot of pastry chef master classes, but I don't publish recipes from those classes. I think it's unethical to put someone else's work out in the open, because it's both the chefs' own bread and unfair to the guys who paid money for their training.
But it's a completely different matter to the recipes that chefs publish in their books, blogs, etc., that is, giving their work «free float». This recipe came to me in the mailing list of one of Kyiv schools together with the announcement of a master class by Spanish pastry chef Hans Ovando. I think this name is widely known in confectionery circles and the recipe will be of interest to many people.
In the original it sounds like Tangerine-Carrot Cake: it's a perfect combination of melt-in-your-mouth carrot sponge cake, carrot jelly, caramelized nuts and light mousse with two kinds of cheese: Philadelphia and goat cheese. All in all, you can already see from the description that this cake is perfect!
If you haven't tried carrot cakes and don't know that they're delicious, you should definitely try baking a sponge cake with this recipe. It is incredibly tender, just melts in your mouth. True, because of its tenderness, it is difficult to work with it, so I advise you to slightly frost it, and then already use it. And even if you're not a professional pastry chef and don't want to mess around with a mousse recipe, you should still try baking carrot sponge cake, even if it's in cupcake form.
Goat cheese cream, like goat cheese and cheese mousses in general – is a love of mine. Tender, unsweetened, perfect! I slightly increased the proportion of goat cheese as I wanted to spice up the flavor, but you're guided by your taste preferences. And of course, there were some substitutions. I replaced the carrot jelly with orange-carrot coulis, so I'll write you both the original recipe and my own version.
The original cake is covered in velouté, but I used icing. In the chocolate cake recipe you can check out the frosting recipe, or use your favorite frosting, or cover the cake with veloute.
I'll be honest, I tried to take step-by-step photos, but these cakes need to be worked on quickly, so I apologize, but only part of the process is captured. But I don't think there should be any problems. Let's get cooking, shall we?
Constituents(for a mold about 20 cm in diameter):
carrot bisque:
- eggs – 115g .
- brown sugar – 145 gr.
- sugar – 145 g.
- flour – 170 gr.
- walnut flour – 80 gr.
- leavening agent – 9 gr.
- cinnamon powder – 1 gr.
- sunflower oil – 70 gr.
- cream butter – 70 gr.
- grated carrots – 190 gr.
- zest of 2 oranges
carrot jelly:
- mashed carrots – 67 g.
- carrot juice – 17 g.
- mandarin puree – 33 g.
- tangerine slices – 20 g.
- sugar – 42 g.
- gelatin – 2 gr.
- pectin NH – 3 gr.
- citric acid – 1 g.
*** my version of orange-carrot coulis:
- orange juice -200g .
- grated carrots – 75 gm .
- sugar – 55 g.
- gelatin – 3 gr.
- pectin NH – 4,5 gr.
- citric acid solution – 1.5 g.
caramelized syrup
- water – 35 gr.
- sugar – 100 g.
- inverted sugar – 15g
caramelized nuts:
- walnuts – 120 g.
- syrup – 20 gr.
- sugar – 10 gr.
- cocoa butter (separately)
Light cream with double cheese:
- yolks – 46g.
- sugar – 27 gr.
- water – 13 g.
- glucose – 27 gr.
- Philadelphia cream cheese – 175 g.
- goat cheese – 40 gr.
- gelatin 0 6 g.
- cream – 150 g.
- trimoline – 35 gr.
Cooking carrot cake by Hans Ovando:
Carrot sponge:
The batter portion is for several cakes, but smaller quantities would be difficult to make, so you can bake a layer of sponge cake, cut out a circle with a ring of the desired diameter, and happily gobble up the rest.
Rub the carrots on a fine grater.
Chop the walnuts into flour in a blender.
Whisk the eggs with both kinds of sugar.
Mix the dry ingredients together and sift them. Add them to the eggs and mix gently.
Add them to the eggs.
Add the melted butter and sunflower oil, grated carrots and zest and mix gently, being careful not to over mix.
Place the dough on a baking tray lined with a silicone mat in an 8 mm thick layer.
Bake at 180C until cooked through - about 15 minutes.
Carrot Jelly:
Heat the puree to 40C, add pectin mixed with sugar.
Add the tangerine slices, bring to a boil and add the citric acid.
Add the swollen gelatine and stir to combine.
Add the tangerine slices, bring to the boil and add the citric acid. Pour into a ring covered with clingfilm and freeze.
Pour into a ring covered with clingfilm and freeze.
*** Orange-carrot coulis:
Mix juice and carrots, heat to 40C, add pectin mixed with sugar.
Bring to the boil, add the citric acid solution. Remove from the heat, add the swollen gelatine and pour into a ring covered with clingfilm.
Pour into a ring covered with clingfilm.
Caramelized syrup:
Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil.
Caramelized nuts:
Mix all ingredients.
Bake for 15 minutes at 150C.
When cooled, cover with melted cocoa butter.
Light cream and double cheese:
Whisk the yolks with the sugar and trimoline. Bring the water, sugar and glucose to 118C. Pour over the beaten yolks and mix. At 35C, add the melted gelatine mixture. Beat the cheese separately and mix into the yolk mixture.
Whisk the cream separately and mix into the mixture.
Tighten the cake mold with food wrap and line the sides with acetate tape.
Pour some of the mousse into the bottom of the mold, add the nuts.
Place a circle of frozen coulis on top. Then place the mousse again and close with the sponge cake.
Put the cake in the frosting for at least 12 hours.
Decorate with frosting or velour, decorate as desired.
Put the cake in the refrigerator until it is completely thawed, then serve.
Have a good appetite!