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Chocolate berry cake

This cake is very different from the recipes I have previously posted. It is a bit more complicated than the usual cakes, the preparation requires time and equipment (rings and acetate film) as well as ingredients (pectin, good quality gelatin, etc). But if you have the desire, I'm sure you can easily handle making it. And the fact that this cake deserves attention, do not doubt.
I prepared this cake for the arrival of my girlfriend and I didn't plan to put the recipe on the site, so there are no step-by-step photos. But it was published in one Lviv culinary edition, so I just couldn't help sharing this recipe with my readers.

chocolate-berry cake

Compound: (for an 18 cm diameter mold)

Dioconda «Gioconda»:

  • flour - 30 gr.
  • cream butter - 20 gr.
  • almond flour - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • whites - 3 pcs.
  • sugar powder - 15 gr.

berry coulis:

  • red currant puree - 90 gr.
  • strawberry puree - 35 gr.
  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • pectin NH - 2 gr.

cream with brandy:

  • yolks - 30 gr.
  • gelatin - 1.5 gr.
  • sugar - 30 gr.
  • cream - 125 gr.
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.

chocolate mousse «Pata bom»:

  • yolks - 44 gr.
  • sugar - 44 gr.
  • water - 11 gr.
  • cream - 176 gr.
  • black chocolate - 88 gr.


  • sugar (1) - 30 gr.
  • water - 22 gr.
  • cream 33% - 150 gr.
  • sugar (2) - 150 gr.
  • white chocolate - 120 gr.
  • gelatin - 6 gr.
  • food coloring

Preparation of chocolate-berry cake:

Biscuit «Gioconda»:

Sift together the flour, almond flour and powdered sugar and mix. Melt the butter and refrigerate.

Whisk the eggs for at least 7 minutes - until whitened and doubled or tripled in volume. Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and mix gently so that it doesn't fall off. Next, gently stir in the melted butter so that it spreads well into the dough.

Separately beat the egg whites and sugar into a stiff foam and mix into the batter, being careful not to break up the airiness of the mixture.

Pour the dough onto a baking tray lined with parchment and flatten into a 2-3 cm thick layer.

Pour the dough onto a parchment-lined baking tray and flatten into a 2-3 cm thick layer.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick.

Check with a toothpick.

Cut a disk out of the biscuit with a 16 cm round mold.

Cut a disk out of the biscuit.

This portion of batter is enough for two cakes, but do not reduce the portion, it will be difficult to beat the eggs. It is better to wrap a part of the baked sponge cake in cellophane and freeze it, and if necessary, take it out and use it as usual.

Berry coulis:

Purée the berries (they can be frozen, but they need to be thawed) in a blender and pass them through a sieve to remove the pips.

Berry coolie:

Mix the sugar with the pectin.

Place the berry puree in a saucepan, read over the heat, and pour in the pectin in a thin stream, stirring all the time with a whisk. Bring the mixture to the boil and simmer for 1 minute.

Boil for 1 minute.

Pour the mixture into a 16 cm diameter metal ring (or a mold without a bottom) covered with cling film. Put in the freezer until set.

Allow to set.

Cognac cream:

Soak the leaf gelatine in water.

Soak the gelatine in water. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until combined.

Boil the cream.

Remove from the heat, add the watered gelatin, stir until dissolved, pour in the cognac and stir again.

Remove from the heat, add the watered gelatin, stir until dissolved, pour in the cognac and stir again. Pour the cream into a 16cm ring (lined with clingfilm) and freeze.


Chocolate mousse «Pata bom»:

Mix sugar and water and boil the syrup, bringing it to 118 degrees.

Sugar and water.

In the meantime, whisk the yolks, pour in the syrup and continue whisking until the mixture turns white and increases in volume.

Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and gently add it to the yolk mixture.

Whisk the cream and add to the cream, stirring gently.

Whisk to combine.


The cake is assembled in the «reverse» way.

Tighten an 18 cm round mold with food film on one side. Place acetate film around the edges to make it easier to remove the cake from the mold.

Acetate film around the edges to make it easier to remove the cake from the mold.

Place some chocolate mousse on the bottom and cover with a disk of frozen brandy cream. Top with the mousse and frozen coulis again. Then again the mousse that's left over and cover with the sponge cake.

And then put some chocolate mousse on top.

All the layers should be sort of «hidden» in the mousse.

Put the cake in the freezer overnight.

Put the cake in the freezer overnight.


Soak the gelatine in water.

For the syrup, bring the water and sugar (1) to a boil and dissolve the sugar.

Add the cream and sugar (2) and bring back to the boil.

Add the cream and sugar (2) and bring back to the boil.

Remove from the heat, add the swollen and squeezed gelatine. Stir and pour into the melted chocolate. Add the coloring and beat with a blender. The working temperature of the glaze – 40 degrees.


Take the frosted cake out of the mold by heating. Immediately place on a rack and pour the glaze over it. Wait for the frosting to set and carefully transfer the cake to a plate.

Take the cake out of the mold and place on a plate.

Decorate as desired with berries, chocolate elements or macaroons.

Happy appetite!

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Chocolate berry cake

I made this cake for the arrival of my girlfriend, I didn't plan to put the recipe on the site. But since it was published in a Lviv culinary publication, I just can't help sharing it with my readers.