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Mead cake

Honey cake needs no introduction - everyone's favorite delicious cake made of tender honey-flavored crusts soaked in sour cream. It's not too difficult to make, although you'll need a bit of work. In order to make the cakes more tender, not much flour is added to the dough and the cakes are not rolled out, but simply stretched by hand on the baking tray. When assembling the cake you can use various additives - nuts, raisins, prunes, from this the cake will only become tastier.


honey cake

Includes (diameter 24-26 cm):


  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • honey - 150 g.
  • butter - 100 g.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • baking soda quenched with vinegar - 1.5 tsp.
  • flour - 350 gr.


  • 20% sour cream - 500 gr.
  • cream 33% - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 g)

Preparation of honey cake:

Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk.

whipped eggs

Add the honey (you can use either liquid or thick honey), butter, and sugar.

eggs, sugar, butter and honey

Place the container on a water bath - in a pot of boiling water, and heat the mixture, stirring occasionally, until it becomes homogeneous.

honey pastry mass

Then remove the mass from the heat, add baking soda and mix well - the mass should lighten in color.

honey baking soda mass

Then pour in the sifted flour in installments, kneading well. The dough turns out viscous and sticky - do not add more flour.

honeydew batter

Grease a baking tray thoroughly with butter.
Place 1/5th of the dough (about 170 g) in the center of the tray and stretch with your hands into a circle slightly larger than the chosen diameter.

shaping the shortcake

crust shaping

It's handy to use a pot lid as a reference - it's easy to hold and use it to try on for size. The dough will stick to your hand –  this is the way it should be.
The more evenly the circle is stretched, the flatter the finished cake will be.
Bake the crust in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees Celsius for 5-8 minutes - the crust should become dark with a reddish tinge, but the edges should not get very dark and dry.
Cut the finished warm cake with a knife to the diameter of the lid (keep the trimmings).

honeydew cake

Bake the other four cakes in the same way, brushing the baking tray with butter each time.

honeycake crusts

For the cream, whisk the cream and sugar until thick.

whipped cream and sugar

Then add vanilla sugar and sour cream and whisk again until smooth.

cream sour cream

Chop the crust trimmings with a blender.

crumb topping

Place the first shortcake on a large plate and cover with a fifth of the cream.

cake assembly

The cream is spread in a thick layer, as it should be - later it will soak into the crust and make it tender.
Lay out all the cakes in the same way, brushing each one with cream.

Smear the top cake with cream and cover the sides of the cake with cream.

honeydewberry in cream

Sprinkle the top and sides with crumbs from the trimmings.

honey cake

Put the cake to soak in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, or preferably overnight.

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