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Napoleon cake

There are many recipes for Napoleon &quot&quot: custard and cream, puff pastry and chopped pastry, and so on. I always prepare "Napoleon" according to this recipe, it turns out tender, well soaked and yet moderately moist. Try it, this delicious cake is worth the effort.
A lot of egg yolks are used in making the custard, and the remaining egg whites can be used to make bese, almond cupcakes, or meringue roll.

Napoleon cake



  • butter - 300 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 600 gr. + 50 gr. for sprinkling
  • water - 150 ml
  • 6% vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch


  • milk - 1 liter
  • sugar - 350 g
  • flour - 100 g
  • egg yolk - 8 pcs.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp.

Preparation of the cake "Napoleon":

Add the vinegar to the cold water and stir. Beat eggs with a mixer and mix with vinegar water and salt.

whipped eggs

Rub the cold butter (I put the butter in the freezer beforehand) into a coarse grater or cut into small cubes.

grated butter

Mix the butter with the sifted flour and chop with a knife into fine crumbs.

flour crumble

Make a depression in the flour mixture, pour the egg mixture into it and knead into a soft, elastic dough, adding more flour as needed.

napoleon dough

Divide the ready dough into 10-12 pieces, mold them into balls, place them on a board dusted with flour, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours.

shortcake dough for napoleon

Roll out each shortcake on baking parchment into a thin layer, cut out a 24-26 cm circle and prick thickly with a fork.

Add the dough to the baking parchment and cut out a 24-26 cm circle and prick thickly with a fork.

rolling out the shortcake


Do not remove the scraps of dough from the paper.
Transfer the parchment sheet with the dough to a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until lightly browned - about 10 minutes.

Bake in a baking pan.

napoleon shortcake

Refrigerate the finished shortcakes.

napoleon shortcake

Meanwhile, prepare the custard. To do this, bring the milk to the boil. Beat the yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar.

Allow the milk to come to a boil.

yolks with sugar

Add the flour mixture to the yolk mixture and mix.

yolks with sugar and flour

Pour the hot milk into the yolk mixture and mix thoroughly.

cream mass

Pour the milk-yolk mixture into a saucepan, return to the heat and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Refrigerate the finished cream.


Next, assemble the cake. To do this, place a cake on a plate, smear the cream on top (I use 4-5 tablespoons of cream for each cake), cover the next cake on top and repeat the procedure with the rest of the cake.

crust with cream

After that, smear the top and edges of the cake with the remaining cream.

assembling the napoleon

Crumble the baked dough scraps into fine crumbs with your hands or with a blender.

Allow the baked dough scraps to crumble into fine crumbs.

crumbled scraps for sprinkles

Sprinkle the sprinkles over the top and sides of the cake.


Send the finished cake to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours (you can overnight) to soak.
Bon appetit!

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