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Three chocolates cake

I've been putting off making this cake for a long time, even though I've been looking at it for a long time. And even when I was cooking it, my mind was spinning – «and maybe a cherry? Cherry jelly or kuli still add…» But I decided to first try the original flavor of the famous «Valrhona» chocolate cake, and I was not mistaken. Although I used French DGF chocolate instead of «Valrhona» chocolate, the flavor of the cake turned out to be very harmonious and balanced, and absolutely not sugary. In general, I recommend it!
The cake was made for my daughter's birthday, so the decor is appropriate – chocolate velour, icing and elements of chocolate. You can decorate it as you wish.

three chocolate cake

Composition (for an 18 cmdiameter mold):


  • 84% butter - 20g
  • sugar - 20 gr.
  • almond flour - 20 gr.
  • fleur de sel (sea salt) - a pinch
  • flour - 20g
  • .

chocolate biscuit:

  • eggs - 60g (1 piece)
  • invert sugar (trimoline) - 18g
  • .
  • sugar - 30 gr.
  • almond flour - 18 gr.
  • flour - 30 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 6 gr.
  • leavening agent - 2 gr.
  • cream 33% - 30 gr.
  • cream butter 84% - 35 gr.
  • black chocolate 61% - 16 gr.

white chocolate cream:

  • milk - 52 gr.
  • vanilla pod – 1 pc.
  • glucose - 6 gr.
  • gelatin - 2 gr.
  • white chocolate 35% - 75 gr.
  • cocoa butter - 8 gr.
  • cream 33% - 104 gr.

light mousse with milk chocolate:

  • milk - 50 gr.
  • cream 33% - 100 gr.
  • milk chocolate 39% - 75 gr.
  • gelatin - 1,5 gr.

light mousse with bitter chocolate:

  • milk - 82 gr.
  • cream 33% - 162 gr.
  • gelatin - 1g
  • black chocolate 61% -  82 gr.

Preparation of the cake «Three Chocolates»:

White chocolate cream:

Soak the gelatin in cold water and let it swell.

Combine the milk and glucose in a saucepan. Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and add, along with the pod, to the milk. Bring the mixture to the boil, cover and leave to simmer for 3-4 minutes, then remove the pods.

Melt the chocolate with the cocoa butter.

Add the swollen gelatine to the warm milk and stir until dissolved. Then pour everything into the melted white chocolate and cocoa butter in a thin stream. At the very end add liquid cold cream and stir. Cover the cream with clingfilm so that it completely adheres to the surface of the cream. Place in the refrigerator until set.

Light milk chocolate mousse:

Soak the gelatin in cold water and let it swell. Melt the chocolate. Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat, melt the gelatin in it and pour it all in a thin stream into the melted milk chocolate, stir until smooth. Then cool down to 45-50 degrees.

Whisk the cream and gently mix it into the chocolate mixture.

Prepare an 18cm diameter ring or mold. Cover the bottom with clingfilm and line the sides with acetate tape. Pour the mousse into the mold and place in the freezer until set.

Pour the mousse into the mold.


Mix the dry ingredients. Add the cooled butter cut into pieces and rub into crumbs with your hands.

Add the dry ingredients.

Spread the crumb mixture onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 150-160 degrees for 10-15 minutes. The streusel should turn golden, but not brown.

The crumble should be golden, but not brown.

Do not turn off the oven.

Chocolate sponge:

Sift together the dry ingredients.

Mix together the eggs, sugar, and invert sugar. Beat on medium speed for 10-12 minutes, until the mixture is white and has increased in size several times.

Beat the eggs and invert sugar together.

Melt the chocolate and butter.

Add the chocolate mixture along with the cream to the egg mixture. Stir in the dry ingredients at the end.

Add the chocolate and butter to the egg mixture.

Pour the biscuit into a 16 cm diameter mold. Sprinkle the streusel over the top and bake in a preheated 160 degree oven with convection for 20 minutes. Allow the biscuits to cool.

Mounting the sponge cake and white chocolate cream:

Combine the white chocolate cream in a pastry bag with a #9 (9mm) nozzle and pipe it onto the cooled sponge, on top of the streusel as if you were piping profiteroles in two different shapes — larger and smaller. The result will be hemispheres of two sizes.

Place in the freezer until completely set. The cake will be assembled «reverse» and poorly frozen vanilla beads may deform when pressed into the mousse.

Cake will be assembled «reverse» and poorly frozen vanilla beads may deform when pressed into the mousse.

Light mousse with bitter chocolate:

Made in the same way as milk chocolate mousse.

Soak the gelatine in cold water and let it swell. Melt the chocolate. Bring the milk to a boil, remove from the heat, melt the gelatine in it and pour it all in a thin stream into the melted bitter chocolate, stir until smooth. Then cool to 45-50 degrees and stir in the whipped cream.


Place the milk chocolate mousse into the mold with the bitter chocolate mousse. Take out the biscuit with the frozen white cream, turn it cream side down and drown all the way to the edge of the biscuit in the mousse. The mousse will rise and protrude from all sides of the biscuit. There is no need to cover the sponge completely in the chocolate mousse.

Place the cake in the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Cover the frozen cake with frosting or veloute.

Cover the cake with frosting or veloute.

I made a cake for my daughter's birthday, covered it with velour and decorated it with icing and tempered chocolate decorations.

I made a cake for my daughter's birthday, covered it with velour and decorated it with icing and tempered chocolate decorations.

Store in the refrigerator until serving.

Be sure to store in the refrigerator.

Good appetite!

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