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Raspberry vinegar

This dressing (raspberry extract) has been in my kitchen for a few years now). I can't go anywhere without it! It goes great on both fresh salads and meat dishes. I even dress a regular coleslaw with this vinegar. Apparently I have a love at first sight for this product. There are many recipes, and they are similar, but I will give the recipe as I make it myself.

These are the same.

We will need:

  • 1 liter of grape vinegar (you can safely substitute table vinegar)
  • 600 grams of fresh raspberries (as practice has shown, you can replace it with c / m)
  • 2-3 tbsp. sugar
  • sterile container (bottle) for storage
  • .

Method of preparation of raspberry vinegar:

Pick the raspberries, leave a zhmenchku raspberries, and the rest rubbed with sugar. Vinegar heated to 70-80 degrees (do not bring to a boil).

Peteretered raspberries arrange in a jar or pot, pour vinegar, add the remaining toad. Close the lid and send for a week in a cool place (refrigerator).

Then ready extract strain through a sieve or gauze and pour into bottles. For beauty you can add the remaining whole raspberries in the bottle.

Store in a dark place. This vinegar is great in the refrigerator or just in the kitchen in a darkened place.

I recommend using it for salad dressings, for marinating meat, when frying meat  on a griddle, and for seafood. Of course, if you have the time and energy, you can make real vinegar, but that's another story.

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