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Rolled Oats

Curd casserole with oatmeal and apple (diet version)

I have a lot of casserole recipes on my site and I make a few of them very often, for example, tender casserole is adored by the whole family. In this recipe, I used only the foods allowed in diet #5. As a result, it turned out to be quite tasty and diet-friendly casserole. That's why I am sharing this recipe on the blog, because even if you don't need to follow a medical diet, you can always make a healthier and dietary version of the dish.  

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Cooking in the multicooker #Baby food


You can change the composition of granola to suit you, I've added the goodies I love and the goodies I want to use but don't eat pure, like flax and pumpkin seeds. I use it very simply: pour it in yogurt or ryazhenka – and breakfast is ready! But you can also add it to cottage cheese, or sprinkle it on top of a pie, or even make a salad.

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #Lenten dishes

Plum Crumble

A couple of days ago at the farmers' market I managed to buy "piece of summer" or rather, a kilogram of ripe, juicy plums, already disappearing until the next season. And since the recipe for kramble has long been waiting for its time, the plums were directed to it. This dessert is prepared in a simple way - fruit from the bottom, crumb of sand dough on top, where oat flakes are added for more "crispness". Everything is prepared very quickly, it turns out delicious, especially for fans of pies, in which there is little dough and a lot of filling.

#Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children