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Baked carp

I must confess that river fish is not favored in our family because of the small bones, which are very tedious to remove. Although the meat of river fish is as good as sea fish in terms of flavor. And if we take into account that in our latitudes sea fish is represented mainly by frozen imported fish, and carp with local registration - the freshest, usually still alive, and I often look in his direction. And then I came across "secret" how to get rid of small bones from river fish. Well, what to do - I had to check whether this method will work, and at the same time to eat fresh tasty fish with tender meat. The stuffing is simple, but as well suited for river fish - onions and carrots. I added some smoked lard to the stuffing - after cooking the fish was soaked with its flavor and turned out "with smoke". You can exclude the lard if you want a leaner version.

baked carp with vegetables


  • carp (about 1-1,5 kg) - 1 piece
  • .
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • smoked lard - 50 gr. (optional)
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Preparation of baked carp:

The secret of cooking boneless carp is to cut the fish meat before cooking with a fine grating, thus getting rid of small bones.
To do this, clean the fish from scales, gut it, remove the gills. With a sharp knife, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees, make deep cuts on the sides of the fish, indenting 0.5 cm for the next cut. Then turn the fish and make cuts at a different angle. You should get a grid or lattice of incisions.

carp for baking

Rub the fish inside and out with salt and pepper and set aside.
Peel the vegetables, chop the onion finely and grate the carrots. Chop the lard very finely. Mix the vegetables and lard, salt, pepper and knead slightly with your hands so that the stuffing softens.

onions, carrots and lard for the stuffing

Place the fish on the foil, fill the belly with the stuffing and wrap the fish tightly in the foil.

carp stuffed with vegetables

carp in foil

Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes.
Then unwrap the foil and return the fish to the oven for another 10-15 minutes to brown. If your oven has a "grill" function, use it.

baked carp

Serve the finished fish with vegetables, a side dish of potatoes or simply a salad.
I must admit that it was not possible to get rid of the fish from the bones, but the dish turned out delicious and we ate it very quickly, despite the presence of small bones.
Bon appetit!

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