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Very tasty cheesecakes

I'm a big fan of cheesecakes, so I'm constantly trying different recipes for them, and I share my successful finds on the site. I have banana cheesecakes, pumpkin, and fried and baked. But for the last six months, I've completely stopped experimenting and cook always according to one recipe that a girl restaurateur I know shared with me. Cheesecakes turn out very tender, cottage cheese, lush and beautiful. And they are ready in one or two steps!



  • 5% cottage cheese - 250g
  • .
  • yolk – 1 pc.
  • sugar – 2 tsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour – 2 tbsp. + for sprinkling
  • refined sunflower oil for frying

Cooking cheesecakes:

First of all, let's talk about cottage cheese. For cheesecakes I take soft cottage cheese in briquettes (more often TM «Slovyanochka»), it is more homogeneous, although and grainy cottage cheese, I think you can beat with a blender to a homogeneous state. And it is important not to use fat cottage cheese, as it gives a more liquid mass and for stability will require more flour.

And it is important not to use fat cottage cheese, as it gives a more liquid mass and for stability will need more flour.

The second secret – use exclusively the yolk, not the whole egg. The egg white will liquefy the mixture and you'll want to add more flour.

A second secret – use only the yolk, not the whole egg.

As for the sugar, you adjust the amount to your taste preferences. I try to minimize it as much as possible, because if you're not sweet, you can always use sweet sauce, jam, topping.

Now, regarding the content of the flour itself. I know that many people add semolina or starch. With starch it will be more tender, but slightly, semolina, personally for me, gives a coarser texture. If you have a fairly dry curd, you can not put flour at all, but the cheesecakes in this case will still float slightly. For me, one–two tablespoons of flour doesn't bother me, and the result is more than satisfactory.

If you have an extra hour, prepare the dough in advance, let the flour «swell» and then fry the cheesecakes, but even if you prepare the dough right away, everything will work out. It is ideal to make the dough from the evening, and in the morning in ten minutes to prepare breakfast. 

And lastly, I always make a quadruple batch as we have them in a flash: for breakfast, for dinner, to take to work with us, and to snack on after a walk.

So here we go.

Mix the whey with a fork with the egg yolk, salt and sugar, add the flour and mix until smooth. The mixture will be quite sticky, but don't worry, the small amount of flour that sticks to the top will hold it together.

Dust a board with flour and spoon some of the mixture onto it, roll it in the flour to make a nice block, then, helping yourself with the flat side of a knife to make a rim, mold the cheesecake. I will try to make step-by-step photos to make it clear. But the essence is that you hold the knife perpendicular to the table, and the flat side of the knife forms the rim of the cheesecake, the other hand as if scrolling the cheesecake in a circle. Then, with the flat side of the knife, pat the top of the cheesecake a little to get a flat surface.

Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and drop in the cheesecakes, brown one side and flip.

Place the cheesecakes on a paper towel to get rid of any excess fat and serve.


It's delicious served with sour cream and jam.

cheesecakes with sour cream and jam

Good appetite!

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Very tasty cheesecakes

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