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Spaghetti Carbonara

This delicious and exquisite Italian dish can be prepared at home by yourself. The recipe and preparation are simple and do not require much time. The spaghetti sauce is tasty, richly creamy and goes well with pasta.

spaghetti carbonara


  • spaghetti – 250 gr.
  • bacon – 200 gr.
  • cheese – 150 gr.
  • cream – 150 ml
  • butter – 1 tbsp.
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper – to taste


Boil the spaghetti in salted water as directed on the package. Discard the spaghetti in a colander, rinse it with cold water and let it drain well.
Slice the bacon into thin strips and grate the cheese into a fine grater.

bacon and cheese

In a skillet, melt butter and fry the bacon in it until lightly browned.

fried bacon

Prepare the Carbonara sauce. To do this, whisk the eggs well, salt and, if desired, pepper. Pour the cream into the eggs, add half of the grated cheese and mix well.

carbonara sauce

Pour the sauce into the frying pan with the fried bacon and reheat slightly.

bacon and sauce

Add the spaghetti to the sauce and, stirring well, hold over the heat until the sauce thickens. Be careful – don't hold the sauce over the heat too long so the eggs don't start to curdle.

Add the sauce to the spaghetti and stir well until the sauce thickens.

spaghetti with carbonara sauce

Place spaghetti on a plate and sprinkle with remaining grated cheese.

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