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Lithuanian hala

Tasty, very tender and quite easy to prepare yeast baked goods, moderately sweet and very soft. The recipe for hala was shared on Olga Pekarko's page, and Olga knows a lot about buns. With a piece of butter, jam or just with tea, it's delicious!

#For breakfast #For lunch

Turkish bagel simit

«To the Turks, simit – what baguette is to the French. It's not just a bread. It's a way of life. They start their mornings with simit, they eat simit at noon and get a good energy boost... Crunchy sesame, slightly sweet browned crust, incredibly tender «creamy» crumb – for the sake of simit, it is worth it to mess with the dough! Especially since the process is not very long and complicated.

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition

Cinnamon braid

The dough is very quick to prepare, the only skill required is to roll the roll into a braid and a ring. But even that is harder to describe than to do. The dough is moderately sweet and moderately fluffy, but flavorful and tender. In general, for a family tea party – very worthy company.

#For lunch #For lunch #A quickie #For children


"Googling around instagram" I came across such an interesting baked good as Cruffins. As it turns out, it's a hybrid of a Croissant and a Muffin. Two in one, what could be more interesting? My eyes sparkled and my hands itched. I found the recipe on insta, and it turns out that many people are already practicing this "Wonder Beast".

#For lunch #For lunch

Cinnabon cinnamon buns with creamy frosting.

This is a very tasty yeast bake. Even those who don't like cinnamon will appreciate it in cinnabons. Fragrant, tender and sweet in the fall and winter season, it is perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. And the aroma while baking will envelop your home and make you make these scones again and again). And the aroma while baking will envelop your home and make you make these scones again and again).

#For breakfast #For lunch #For children

Cabbage rolls

I want to share a delicious recipe for cabbage rolls. This is such a great alternative to plain bread. The buns turn out very flavorful, with a crispy crust. In addition, you get a lean version of buns. And they are prepared very simply, without any fuss. Yes, and you can diversify the filling. I'm already thinking of trying them with capers :) It would be delicious with sun-dried tomatoes too.

#For lunch #For dinner #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Chicken pizza with vegetables

I have a pizza recipe that I've been making it with for well over years. It is my favorite "basic" recipe. The dough is very easy and quick to make. Also this dough is good because you can form the pizza both fluffy and thin. I like pizza with very thin dough, so I always roll out thin. The toppings can be the most any, put all those products and ingredients that you like :) I will describe a pizza with chicken and vegetables.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch

Pizza with pumpkin, goat cheese and ham

I never stop discovering new facets of such a wonderful vegetable as pumpkin. This time I made pizza according to the recipe from the magazine "Gastronom" - I could not pass by the combination of my favorite dish and favorite vegetable, a little modified the recipe to suit myself and it turned out very tasty. My husband and sister, who are not at all delighted with pumpkin, swallowed the pizza in seconds. Well and as always with pizza - everything can be replaced, added and combined depending on your mood. Just please leave the pumpkin out of the dish - it's absolutely delicious.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #Special nutrition #For children #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Fish pie with salmon

Fish is not only healthy, it's also delicious. And this fish pie is delicious both warm and cold, so it's easy to take with you on the road or to work, replacing the usual sandwiches or cookies. The pie is easy to prepare and is quite hearty, but not heavy, and in the company of a fresh salad will quite replace lunch or dinner. You can use trout or salmon instead of salmon.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #A quickie #For children

Pampushki with jam

At home in Crimea we always had 12 Lenten dishes for Christmas, of which kutya was obligatory and indispensable. But when I went to Lviv for Christmas, I learned that the second obligatory Christmas dish is pampushki with jelly, which are called pampukhi there. These are oil-fried patties made of yeast dough and filled with thick jam or povidla. I admit, it is very caloric, but also very tasty. The dough in pampushki is very soft and tender. Keep in mind, the thicker the filling, the less the dough will soften, it is ideal to take jam. In general, expand your Christmas menu with pampushki - they are delicious and will please everyone!

#For the holiday table #At Christmas. #To the party

Rum Baba

I was quite satisfied with my first experience - the dough of my "baba" turned out loose and airy, the impregnation made it juicy and flavorful. Of course, there is still room for improvement to replicate the store-bought analog, but the trial is good. Try to add raisins or candied fruits, they will be very appropriate here. By the way, you can take such a baba with you when you visit, which is especially important for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

#For the holiday table #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #On Valentine's Day #To the party