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American pumpkin pie

Do you still have pumpkin left? If so, make this pie right away. It's well worth the wait so you don't have to put off making it until next pumpkin season. The pie is simply magical, very flavorful and delicate like baked cream. For pumpkin lovers, and even for non-pumpkin lovers, this is a great treat.  Pumpkin pie is a great treat.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #At Christmas. #To the party #Baby food

Cabbage rolls

I want to share a delicious recipe for cabbage rolls. This is such a great alternative to plain bread. The buns turn out very flavorful, with a crispy crust. In addition, you get a lean version of buns. And they are prepared very simply, without any fuss. Yes, and you can diversify the filling. I'm already thinking of trying them with capers :) It would be delicious with sun-dried tomatoes too.

#For lunch #For dinner #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Manna in a slow cooker

Mannik turns out very tender, coarsely spongy, with perceptible loose grains, but no semolina flavor at all. This uncomplicated and uncomplicated cake is perfect for a family tea party. Mannik is prepared without flour and butter, which reduces its calorie content. The recipe was suggested to me by my friend Nastya, for which I thank her very much!

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Cooking in the multicooker #Baby food


Syrnik is a traditional cottage cheese pie made in Western Ukraine. Despite the fact that the main ingredient is cottage cheese, a cheesecake is not similar to curds or cheesecake. It consists of a sandy base, curd filling, which is quite dense but still soft, and sandy crumbs on top. It's delicious warm, but even better the next day.

#For breakfast #For lunch #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food