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For Dinner

Milk porridge with rice and pumpkin

This delicious and simple breakfast is not difficult to prepare, it would seem. But if moms are used to cooking it «by eye» say, half a cup there, half a cup there, my first «pancake» was a failure, I did not calculate the amount of cereals, then I had to add a lot of milk in the process, and the result was not what I expected. So, the second time I carefully weighed all the ingredients to keep the proportion, and it turned out perfectly – moderately thick, moderately sweet, delicious porridge.

#For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Rabbit baked with vegetables

Rabbit – meat is lean, dietary, and you don't want to spoil it «spoil» by hard roasting, fat, etc. So I always try to figure out how to cook rabbit with a minimum of intervention. Here is this recipe – a successful variation, moreover, requiring from you a minimum of effort, except to cut the carcass and cut vegetables. And the good thing about it is that you get both meat and a side dish to go with it.

#For lunch #For dinner #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children

Jamie Oliver's beet gravlax

Semmon, salmon or trout – it's always delicious, and if you cook it according to Jamie Oliver's recipe, no one will be left indifferent! It's simple and quick, as always with Jamie, but delicious. I advise you to remember this recipe, because the New Year and a lot of holidays are just around the corner.

#For lunch #For dinner #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Lenten dishes #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #On Valentine's Day #Jamie Oliver's recipes

Funchose with vegetables

A very easy and tasty dish with «glass» noodles. In fact, it's a total improvisation, so please don't get hung up on the composition, the main thing is to remember the process, and you can play with the bouquet of vegetables depending on your taste preferences. And the special charm of the dish is that it is ready in 10-15 minutes, and an easy dinner is on your table!

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie

Vanilla panna cotta with strawberries and basil

Cream and strawberries are timeless classics, and basil and strawberries are already becoming recognized classics as well. I combined these three ingredients into one dish and the boring creamy panna cotta took on a new flavor. It's very easy and quick to make, and it's perfect for both home treats and guests.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #On Valentine's Day #Baby food

Pickled pig ears

A while ago, I wasn't a huge fan of offal - lungs, tails, ears and the like were off my food chain. But a passion for cooking and an interest in new flavors gradually pushed my usual boundaries. And I'll tell you frankly, pigs' ears in a spicy marinade - it's very tasty. At the same time and the cost of the dish is pennies, and it is prepared very simply. If you're ready to try it, here's the recipe.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie