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Rabbit baked with vegetables

Rabbit – meat is lean, dietary, and you don't want to spoil it «spoil» by hard roasting, fat, etc. So I always try to figure out how to cook rabbit with a minimum of intervention. Here is this recipe – a successful variation, moreover, requiring from you a minimum of effort, except to cut the carcass and cut vegetables. And the good thing about it is that you get both meat and a side dish to go with it.

#For lunch #For dinner #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children

Salad with topinambour and celery

My regular readers have probably noticed by now that I love to bake - the number of baking recipes on the blog is off the charts. Unfortunately, after having a baby, I can't just bake cakes and pies - they all somehow quickly show up in centimeters on my waist. To keep slim, I took up sports, and at the same time decided to change my diet - to eat more light and low-calorie dishes. This salad belongs to such recipes. Surprisingly, with all its usefulness and ease, it is also very tasty. I recommend it for lovers of unloading days!

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #Lenten dishes