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Pierre Hermé's chocolate marshmallows.

Another experiment with marshmallows. We liked the first ones fruit puree very much, now I tried the chocolate ones. I made them for cake decorations and for treats for the kids, but it turns out they are delicious with coffee. You just have to throw a few pieces into hot coffee and wait for the marshmallow to melt, forming a delicious chocolate foam on top. All in all, tasty little things that can be eaten in many different ways. They're delicious.

#For the holiday table #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #To the party

Caramel-vanilla eclairs

Eclairs based on a recipe by Christophe Adam of the gastronomic house of Fauchon. They are absolutely beautiful – the light caramel cream is perfectly complemented by the sweet flavor of the fondant, and a thin layer of choux pastry completes the composition.

#For the holiday table

Vanilla panna cotta with strawberries and basil

Cream and strawberries are timeless classics, and basil and strawberries are already becoming recognized classics as well. I combined these three ingredients into one dish and the boring creamy panna cotta took on a new flavor. It's very easy and quick to make, and it's perfect for both home treats and guests.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #On Valentine's Day #Baby food

Chocolate panna cotta with cherry sauce

The combination of cherries and chocolate is probably one of the most widespread: this is "Black Forest&quot cake, and a lot of other, no less tasty cakes and pastries. In this seemingly simple dessert, cherries get along well with chocolate, their sourness creating a balance of flavor and turning an ordinary panna cotta into a very tasty treat.

#For lunch #For lunch #For the holiday table #Special nutrition #For children #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Tart with strawberry and cottage cheese filling

In winter, I often bake such pies by layering cottage cheese filling and frozen berries on top of a sandy base and then baking it all together in the oven. But in summer you want freshness and lightness, so I tried making a similar pie, only instead of baking the cottage cheese filling and berries, I left it raw and put strawberries on top. The experiment was a success!"

#For lunch #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #To the party #Baby food

Yogurt and strawberry jelly

Fresh strawberries are in season and this is an indispensable dessert. It's easy in every sense - it takes 5 minutes to make, it's absolutely "weightless" it tastes great for the figure-conscious gourmet and for little kids who don't want to eat plain yogurt. When whipped, the jelly is saturated with air bubbles and becomes porous and airy. Recipe from the book "Good Kitchen".

#For breakfast #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #On Valentine's Day #To the party #Baby food

Black Forest Cherry Cake or Black Forest.

The famous Black Forest Cherry Cake or «Black Forest» is a cake with fragrant cherries and whipped cream that originated in Germany in the early 1930s. Today it is one of the most famous cakes in the world and this recognition it got deservedly. Chocolate sponge cakes are soaked in Kirschwasser (cherry vodka), and the filling consists of fragrant cherries and whipped cream. The cake can be decorated with cherries, chocolate, etc. The cake can be decorated with cherries, chocolate, etc.

#For the holiday table #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #To the party

Two-color cottage cheese cake with berries (no baking)

A very tender and very light cottage cheese cake with a light berry flavor. The cake is quite simple to prepare, requires no baking and turns out very tasty. The drawing on the cake can be made like "zebra", or it can be "marble" - who likes it better. This delicate dessert will appeal to both adults and children.

#For lunch #For dinner #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #Special nutrition #For children #New Year's menu #On Valentine's Day #To the party #Baby food