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Rabbit baked with vegetables

Rabbit – meat is lean, dietary, and you don't want to spoil it «spoil» by hard roasting, fat, etc. So I always try to figure out how to cook rabbit with a minimum of intervention. Here is this recipe – a successful variation, moreover, requiring from you a minimum of effort, except to cut the carcass and cut vegetables. And the good thing about it is that you get both meat and a side dish to go with it.

#For lunch #For dinner #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children

Merlot sauce

This classic French sauce is based on the red wine "Merlot" from which it takes its name. It goes well with meat dishes, fish, poultry, etc. Sauce.

Zurich-style beef with white sauce

Juicy meat and vegetables in a creamy sauce that everyone will love. Easy to prepare and easy on the stomach, this dish goes well with a neutral side dish such as boiled rice or pasta. The dish is quick to prepare, so it will suit even very busy people who nevertheless want to eat healthy and wholesome food. The original recipe uses beef, but pork or even chicken would be just as tasty.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children