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Milk porridge with rice and pumpkin

This delicious and simple breakfast is not difficult to prepare, it would seem. But if moms are used to cooking it «by eye» say, half a cup there, half a cup there, my first «pancake» was a failure, I did not calculate the amount of cereals, then I had to add a lot of milk in the process, and the result was not what I expected. So, the second time I carefully weighed all the ingredients to keep the proportion, and it turned out perfectly – moderately thick, moderately sweet, delicious porridge.

#For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

American pumpkin pie

Do you still have pumpkin left? If so, make this pie right away. It's well worth the wait so you don't have to put off making it until next pumpkin season. The pie is simply magical, very flavorful and delicate like baked cream. For pumpkin lovers, and even for non-pumpkin lovers, this is a great treat.  Pumpkin pie is a great treat.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #At Christmas. #To the party #Baby food

Pizza with pumpkin, goat cheese and ham

I never stop discovering new facets of such a wonderful vegetable as pumpkin. This time I made pizza according to the recipe from the magazine "Gastronom" - I could not pass by the combination of my favorite dish and favorite vegetable, a little modified the recipe to suit myself and it turned out very tasty. My husband and sister, who are not at all delighted with pumpkin, swallowed the pizza in seconds. Well and as always with pizza - everything can be replaced, added and combined depending on your mood. Just please leave the pumpkin out of the dish - it's absolutely delicious.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #Special nutrition #For children #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Chicken legs baked with pumpkin

Pumpkin is not only a treasure trove of vitamins, but also a great side dish for meat. I came up with this recipe on the fly, and it was quickly eaten at dinner. The legs are juicy, the pumpkin is spicy and flavorful, in general, everything you need to eat on a cold winter evening. But if you don't love pumpkin, just substitute it for other vegetables: potatoes, parsnips, bell peppers would be great in this dish.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition

Salad with pumpkin, feta and jamon

I love tomato and cucumber salad in the summer, but in the winter it's impossible to make it with plastic vegetables. But in the winter, pumpkin - a charming redheaded beauty that can be used to make both lunch and dessert - takes the stage. In salads pumpkin is wonderful and completely unrecognizable - when marinating it is filled with the aroma of garlic and piquancy of vinegar and successfully copes with the main role in the salad. In company with feta, ham, arugula and olives, pumpkin creates a very tasty and flavorful salad, which is eaten even by ardent non-pumpkin lovers.

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #To the party

Pumpkin muffins by Jamie Oliver

The coming of very - no reason to fall into autumn depression, because soon it will be winter, New Year's holidays.... And autumn is also the time of a truly magical vegetable - pumpkin - bright, juicy, very healthy and delicious. So chase away the moping and go to the kitchen to prepare wonderful muffins, even if you are not very fond of pumpkin - it is not felt in the muffins at all. And be sure to drizzle the muffins with citrus frosting, as it really enhances their appearance and flavor.

#For breakfast #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #To the party #Jamie Oliver's recipes

Salad with spicy pumpkin, baliko and cherry tomatoes

Baked spiced pumpkin, which I used in salad on Elena's advice, is a very grateful ingredient that allows for endless flavor experimentation. I wanted to add breadcrumbs and cheesecake to the pumpkin, tomatoes for juiciness and garnish with parmesan. It turned out to be a very tasty holiday winter salad. And none of the guests will guess that the main ingredient is pumpkin.

#For lunch #For dinner #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #On Valentine's Day #To the party