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You can change the composition of granola to suit you, I've added the goodies I love and the goodies I want to use but don't eat pure, like flax and pumpkin seeds. I use it very simply: pour it in yogurt or ryazhenka – and breakfast is ready! But you can also add it to cottage cheese, or sprinkle it on top of a pie, or even make a salad.

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #Lenten dishes

Cupcakes with condensed milk and mascarpone cream

I don't even know what to call them more accurately - by the technology of preparation they are cupcakes - whipped butter, delicate structure and "crown" cap of cream, but the taste is still more muffins, apparently the addition of berries slightly weighs down the dough. So I will call them simply - muffins! The recipe is very versatile - cranberries can be excluded or replaced with any other berries, nuts, candied fruits, etc. And the recipe for the cream is excellent - it is suitable for cakes and other pastries, it is impossible to spoil it, and the taste is magical, because everyone loves condensed milk. In general, it takes longer to write about them than to cook them, it's better to go to the kitchen and see for yourself that it's delicious!

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #For children

Sweet pita roll with cottage cheese

I don't know about you, but it happens to me - I want something sweet for tea, but I don't have time or desire to spend a lot of time with the dough. In such cases, recipes "quick" hand - one such recipe was shared by my friend Tom. Everything is simple - a thin pita instead of dough, and inside there is cottage cheese filling. And you can put the kettle on the fire and call the household, because the roll will be ready very quickly.

#For lunch #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children

Biscotti with almonds and raisins

Biscotti is a traditional Italian cookie, meaning "twice baked". Traditionally biscotti in Italy is served with coffee or with sweet wine - resembling a sweet breadcrumb, it is very convenient to dip the cookies in it. Because of their long shelf life, these cookies are good for gifting. Very tasty cookies from the recipe by Nika Belotserkovskaya (Belonika).

#For lunch #For the holiday table #Special nutrition #For children #Outdoors #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Easter kulich

Kulich, or as it is more often called in our country - paska, is a kind of festive pastry, which is prepared on the Bright Sunday of Christ. They are baked with a lot of goodness: eggs, butter, raisins, so they are very sweet, hearty and tasty. Every housewife has her own recipe for kulich, but I want to share the recipe my mother uses to bake them.

#For Easter

Manna in a slow cooker

Mannik turns out very tender, coarsely spongy, with perceptible loose grains, but no semolina flavor at all. This uncomplicated and uncomplicated cake is perfect for a family tea party. Mannik is prepared without flour and butter, which reduces its calorie content. The recipe was suggested to me by my friend Nastya, for which I thank her very much!

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Cooking in the multicooker #Baby food

Rice kutya

Kutya is a ritual dish: porridge made of wheat (less often barley or other cereals), poured with honey or sugar, with poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, milk and even jam. Slavs make kutya on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Epiphany. Rice kutya is faster to prepare than other cereals, so it is gaining popularity among housewives.

#For children #Lenten dishes #At Christmas. #Baby food

Quick cottage cheese toppings

The perfect solution when you want a delicious baked good but don't have time to cook. With a flavorful cottage cheese filling and soft dough, no one will ever guess that you made this pastry in 30 minutes. Vertushki resemble cottage cheese puffs, only they are prepared much faster. The recipe is from the book "Gastronome" with my changes.

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #Unexpected guests #A quickie #For children #Baby food

Wheat kutya

Kutya is a traditional Christmas dish. This dish symbolizes prosperity and grace. It is usually made of wheat with raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, honey, sugar, etc. Kutya is a traditional Christmas dish that symbolizes prosperity and grace.

#Lenten dishes #At Christmas.