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Baby Food

Milk porridge with rice and pumpkin

This delicious and simple breakfast is not difficult to prepare, it would seem. But if moms are used to cooking it «by eye» say, half a cup there, half a cup there, my first «pancake» was a failure, I did not calculate the amount of cereals, then I had to add a lot of milk in the process, and the result was not what I expected. So, the second time I carefully weighed all the ingredients to keep the proportion, and it turned out perfectly – moderately thick, moderately sweet, delicious porridge.

#For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Curd casserole with oatmeal and apple (diet version)

I have a lot of casserole recipes on my site and I make a few of them very often, for example, tender casserole is adored by the whole family. In this recipe, I used only the foods allowed in diet #5. As a result, it turned out to be quite tasty and diet-friendly casserole. That's why I am sharing this recipe on the blog, because even if you don't need to follow a medical diet, you can always make a healthier and dietary version of the dish.  

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Cooking in the multicooker #Baby food

Vanilla panna cotta with strawberries and basil

Cream and strawberries are timeless classics, and basil and strawberries are already becoming recognized classics as well. I combined these three ingredients into one dish and the boring creamy panna cotta took on a new flavor. It's very easy and quick to make, and it's perfect for both home treats and guests.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #On Valentine's Day #Baby food

Lazy dumplings for kids

Ordinary lazy dumplings are not too eager to eat, but if you make them in the form of stars, hearts, crescents, then the interest of the child appears. Everything is the same as in the usual recipe, just the dough is not cooked in the form of balls, and cut out with cookie cutters in the form of different shapes. Try it, maybe your little ones will like it too.

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

American pumpkin pie

Do you still have pumpkin left? If so, make this pie right away. It's well worth the wait so you don't have to put off making it until next pumpkin season. The pie is simply magical, very flavorful and delicate like baked cream. For pumpkin lovers, and even for non-pumpkin lovers, this is a great treat.  Pumpkin pie is a great treat.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #At Christmas. #To the party #Baby food

Pistachio pancakes

I love pistachios in desserts (although salted with beer is fine too). Pistachio eclairs, pistachio tarts, etc. - it's all insanely delicious! In the midst of Pancake Day, it was the pistachio pancakes that made me crave them. The author of the recipe is chef Philippe Andrieu of the pastry house Ladurée. Philippe Andrieu suggests serving these pancakes with cherry filling, but I served them with pistachio custard for the full pistachio delight. Experiment!"

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #For children #Baby food

Cabbage rolls

I want to share a delicious recipe for cabbage rolls. This is such a great alternative to plain bread. The buns turn out very flavorful, with a crispy crust. In addition, you get a lean version of buns. And they are prepared very simply, without any fuss. Yes, and you can diversify the filling. I'm already thinking of trying them with capers :) It would be delicious with sun-dried tomatoes too.

#For lunch #For dinner #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Sesame ice cream

In the past, my favorite homemade ice cream was creamy plombier. This season, I'm looking for variety. The recipe is very easy, it's even easier to prepare. It's also a wonderful "base" for your imagination. You add your favorite treats as additives: different nuts, berries, raisins, chocolate... and every time you get a new taste. and each time you get a new flavor. In this post, I will describe making sesame ice cream. I would have never even guessed that ice cream could be sesame ice cream. It's a very unexpected decision and a flavor full of new sensations. I loved it, try it!"

#For lunch #For the holiday table #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food