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Saltwater Fish

Mackerel marinated in tea brine

This is probably one of the most delicious marinades for fish - it turns out very tender, with a light golden-brownish color, and in appearance and even taste resembles cold-smoked mackerel. At the same time, it does not contain harmful additives, like store-smoked fish. The only difficulty is that fish marinates for 3-4 days, and you want to try it as soon as possible. But your patience will be rewarded in full - with boiled potatoes and pickled onions, it's just a pleasure.

#For lunch #For dinner #For the holiday table #Special nutrition #Lenten dishes #New Year's menu #At Christmas.

Witches (dumplings) with salmon

In Polish cuisine, kolduns are small dumplings with almost transparent dough. The author suggests making them with salmon. For me dumplings with fish were exotic until recently, so I took a risk. It turned out very tasty, tender and at the same time hearty. Fish stuffing is very organically combined with the dough. Also such kolduns can be an addition to fish soup or fish soup soup.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #For children #On Valentine's Day #To the party #Baby food

Red fish with vegetables baked in a parchment envelope

You only have 25 minutes to make lunch or dinner? That's not a problem! This is enough time to prepare a very tasty and no less healthy dish. Tender fish fillets and colorful vegetables are the best dish for fall and winter, although you can use this recipe in the season of fresh vegetables as well.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Lenten dishes #Baby food