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Fish And Seafood

Pasta with shrimps in cream-cheese sauce

This pasta is very easy and quick to prepare - even a novice cook can cope with it. The sauce is delicate, velvety and very creamy, the shrimp harmonize well with the sauce and complement the flavor of the pasta. The dish is quite hearty, you can't eat much of it, so make a portion that you can eat immediately - after reheating, it's tasty, but it's still not the same.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie

Witches (dumplings) with salmon

In Polish cuisine, kolduns are small dumplings with almost transparent dough. The author suggests making them with salmon. For me dumplings with fish were exotic until recently, so I took a risk. It turned out very tasty, tender and at the same time hearty. Fish stuffing is very organically combined with the dough. Also such kolduns can be an addition to fish soup or fish soup soup.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #For children #On Valentine's Day #To the party #Baby food