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Chicken pizza with vegetables

I have a pizza recipe that I've been making it with for well over years. It is my favorite "basic" recipe. The dough is very easy and quick to make. Also this dough is good because you can form the pizza both fluffy and thin. I like pizza with very thin dough, so I always roll out thin. The toppings can be the most any, put all those products and ingredients that you like :) I will describe a pizza with chicken and vegetables.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch

Warm pork salad with fried cucumber

Many people who hear the phrase "fried cucumber" are stunned and bewildered. But try fried cucumber yourself - it's delicious and not even very exotic, although it is often used in oriental cuisine, such as Chinese. This salad is simple, cooks quickly, turns out quite hearty and can quite satisfy hunger at lunch. I think you can successfully replace the pork with chicken, you will get a lighter version of the salad. Recipe from the master class of the culinary studio "Everybody cooks! ".

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #New Year's menu #At Christmas. #On Valentine's Day #To the party

Salad with beans and croutons

I tried this salad as a guest in Western Ukraine and loved it from the first bite - spicy garlic, crunchy croutons and tender beans. The salad is easy to prepare, but it is not ashamed to put it on the table for guests. Personally, I liked it very much and as soon as I got home, I immediately cooked it. In the original recipe, the salad did not contain eggs, but they seemed appropriate here.

#For lunch #For dinner #For lunch #For the holiday table #Unexpected guests #A quickie #New Year's menu #At Christmas.

Dniester salad

I used to order this salad in the university canteen when I was a student and recently, having remembered it, I decided to make it at home. Of course, it's not a salad of any kind, its flavor is quite predictable, but for a variation of the winter menu, when the assortment of fresh vegetables is not as rich as in summer, you can make it.

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie