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Second Courses

Very tasty cheesecakes

I'm a big fan of cheesecakes, so I'm constantly trying different recipes for them, and I share successful finds on the site. I have banana cheesecakes, pumpkin, and fried and baked. But for the past six months, I've completely stopped experimenting and cook always according to one recipe that a girl restaurateur I know shared with me. Cheesecakes turn out very tender, cottage cheese, lush and beautiful. And they are ready in one or two!

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #For children

Milk porridge with rice and pumpkin

This delicious and simple breakfast is not difficult to prepare, it would seem. But if moms are used to cooking it «by eye» say, half a cup there, half a cup there, my first «pancake» was a failure, I did not calculate the amount of cereals, then I had to add a lot of milk in the process, and the result was not what I expected. So, the second time I carefully weighed all the ingredients to keep the proportion, and it turned out perfectly – moderately thick, moderately sweet, delicious porridge.

#For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Rabbit baked with vegetables

Rabbit – meat is lean, dietary, and you don't want to spoil it «spoil» by hard roasting, fat, etc. So I always try to figure out how to cook rabbit with a minimum of intervention. Here is this recipe – a successful variation, moreover, requiring from you a minimum of effort, except to cut the carcass and cut vegetables. And the good thing about it is that you get both meat and a side dish to go with it.

#For lunch #For dinner #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children

Funchose with vegetables

A very easy and tasty dish with «glass» noodles. In fact, it's a total improvisation, so please don't get hung up on the composition, the main thing is to remember the process, and you can play with the bouquet of vegetables depending on your taste preferences. And the special charm of the dish is that it is ready in 10-15 minutes, and an easy dinner is on your table!

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie

Lazy dumplings for kids

Ordinary lazy dumplings are not too eager to eat, but if you make them in the form of stars, hearts, crescents, then the interest of the child appears. Everything is the same as in the usual recipe, just the dough is not cooked in the form of balls, and cut out with cookie cutters in the form of different shapes. Try it, maybe your little ones will like it too.

#For breakfast #For lunch #A quickie #Special nutrition #For children #Baby food

Spaghetti with pesto sauce

This dish is a lifesaver when you don't want to spend much time in the kitchen. The Pesto recipe I've already written about is an absolutely amazing sauce that goes great with fish, as a salad dressing, and can turn ordinary pasta into a restaurant dish. Everything is quite simple - while the pasta is boiling, you whip up the sauce in a blender, and in 15 minutes you serve a delicious dish. Even meat lovers will be delighted, proven!

#For lunch #For dinner #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Special nutrition #Lenten dishes #On Valentine's Day

Baked eggplant with tomatoes and apricots under grain curd

The combination, at first glance, unusual: eggplant, tomato, apricot, garlic, basil and mint and all this under the grain curd, but with full responsibility I declare – the final result will not leave you indifferent, provided that all the ingredients are your favorite. The combination of eggplant, tomato, apricot, and garlic, basil and mint and all this under the grain curd.

#For lunch #For dinner #For breakfast #For lunch #Unexpected guests #A quickie #Lenten dishes #To the party